Monday, December 2, 2013

SANTEE beauty and mosquitos....

Ten years after Americans declared their independence from the British Empire, a charter was granted for the construction of the Santee Canal, the nation's first. Construction began in 1793 and was completed in 1800. The Santee Canal was 22 miles long with three locks to lift boats from the Santee River to the summit level and seven locks for the descent of the boats to the Cooper River. Droughts and increased competition from railroads prompted shareholders to revoke its charter in 1850
In 1934, the Santee Canal was the inspiration behind the creation of the South Carolina Public Service Authority, more commonly known as Santee Cooper. Building upon the canal's initial purpose of improving inland navigation, the Santee Cooper project electrified rural South Carolina and created lakes Marion and Moultrie.

Today, most of the Santee Canal lies beneath Lake Moultrie, but visible portions remain where boats entered from the Santee River and at Biggin Creek, where it joined the headwaters of the Cooper River. It's also here, in Moncks Corner, where you will find the Old Santee Canal Park

Opened in 1989, the 195-acre park commemorates the area's rich history and habitat. Among its attractions are the Stony Landing House, built in 1843, and four miles of boardwalks that meander through the quiet backwaters of Biggin Creek and its surrounding swamp. The park's centerpiece is its Interpretive Center that chronicles the area's history as far back as 4000 B.C., including the 1863 construction of the Little David, a semisubmersible Confederate torpedo boat used in the Civil War. The Berkeley County Museum and Heritage Center is also located within the park's gates.

Beyond its historical offerings, the park has become a popular
destination for bird watchers, hikers, paddlers and other outdoor enthusiasts.
(Just like me.)



"In the early days of this nation, as settlers from South Carolina moved inland from the coast, it was essential that they get their agricultural products, principally cotton and indigo, to Charleston, S.C., for export, since there were no manufacturing plants in the young country. Roads were practically nonexistent, and the best method of transportation was by rivers in the Santee River system. However, boats small enough to navigate the tributaries and on the Santee River were often lost on the open sea voyage from the mouth of the Santee to Charleston. Of necessity, our forefathers determined that something had to be done to prevent the loss of cargoes and often the lives of those transporting the fruit of a year's hard earned labor via the Santee River to Charleston." -- Excerpt from "Professor F.A. Porcher's History of the Santee Canal"

America's first summit canal, the Santee Canal, began operating in 1800 and was considered one of the crowning engineering achievements and economic-development projects of its day.

In 1770, the Commons House of Assembly proposed a survey to determine the most favorable routes for a canal to connect the Santee River with the Cooper River, which would provide a direct outlet to Charleston Harbor. Henry Mouzon Jr. was commissioned in 1773 to survey routes for such an inland waterway. The Revolutionary War silenced talk of the canal until 1785 when the newly formed General Assembly granted a charter to the Santee Canal Company.


Dragon fly which stood still just long enough.

Construction began in 1793 under the supervision of Col. Christian Senf. Over 700 laborers worked for seven years with picks and shovels to complete the project. The completed canal was 22 miles long, 35 ft. wide, and 5 ½ ft. deep. It was designed to handle a 34-ft. rise through three locks and a 69 ft. fall through seven more for a net difference of 35 ft. between the Santee and Cooper rivers.

Operation of the canal went smoothly for the first 16 years, but severe droughts dried up the canal and halted all traffic. Corn was planted in the canal bed to take advantage of the fertile soil. The busiest year for the canal was 1830, when a total of 700 barges and boats, laden primarily with cotton, traveled through the waterway.

While traveling tripadvisor has become my friend/tool. It's how I discovered
this wonderful canal/park. I loved these staircases to my wonderful adventure/hike.
I was blown away by what I discovered. This little adventure reminded me of when
I was younger and read those story books at the end that stated if you want this adventure
turn to this page. This park gave me so many beautiful walking trail options with beautiful
sights. After I was done I thought did I see it all, did I miss something? So I would
turn back. I didn't come prepared and forgot my bug spray. Keep reading for my adventure
where I took a trail that deepened my faith!

The completion of a railway between Columbia and Charleston in 1840 left the canal dependent on what little traffic trickled down the Wateree River. In 1846, the railroad was extended to Camden, thus hastening the eventual demise of the canal. In 1850, the General Assembly revoked its charter at the request of the shareholders.

Most of the canal now lies beneath Lake Moultrie. Some of the upper portions of the waterway are still visible, where boats entered from the Santee River, and the southernmost sections, which joined the headway of the Cooper River at Biggin Creek.

Old Santee Canal Park is centered where the southernmost section of the canal enters the quiet waters of Biggin Creek and the surrounding swamps.

The high bluff at the headwaters of the Cooper River has, for generations, been known as Stony Landing. Because of the natural advantages of its setting, it became a crossroads of early commerce. Boat traffic from the port of Charleston took on the goods of the upcountry and unloaded finished products for overland transportation to the growing frontier and the Indian nations. The construction of the canal further solidified the importance of this area.

While earlier buildings had certainly occupied this site, the plantation house presently at Stony Landing bluff was built circa 1843 by Charleston merchant John Dawson. It faced the road to the Congaree, but visitors now have sweeping views of the Tailrace Canal, which flows from the Lake Moultrie. The house has been restored and is open to the public for tours.


So little by little I was getting eaten by bugs but I was having such a nice
beautiful day exploring I couldn't resist this trail. Once again I never
want to miss anything. Well female mosquitos love the water and me.
I've never seen mosquitos so hungry for me. My legs/arms/face. Some how
they found a way to eat me through my clothes. I saw a sign that was suppose
to turn me back to where I came from. It was a dead end but a beautiful
dead end with a bridge with a view of the swamp. I couldn't enjoy it
because I was being swarmed with lethal bugs.
I kept slapping them and finding my blood
everywhere. Plus it was HOT and in the south. I was drenched.
I kept walking and realized I was lost. I began to panick a little bit.
What was I thinking?
I kept praying and asking "Can you please make the bugs be less hungry?"
I was all by myself I couldn't even hear one single soul.
I began to jog and saw a sign so I took it.
It had been raining a lot this summer and so when I got to the middle
of my path the road that would take me back was covered in mud and water.
Up to my knees. I felt defeated.
I prayed some more and went back to the beginning of the sign.
Which way and I felt an answer turn right.
I began to tear up because the mosquitos were ruining my day.
It felt as though I had boils on me from head to toe.

Somehow I was lead to the back of the trail.

I was so happy to see this wide bridge.

More happy to see this building because I had remembered
seeing it as I drove into the park.
I had wanted to see the museums but I was a bit wet
from the heat and decided it was time to go.
They would take one look at my bites and send me away:)
So grateful for my faith, beauty of the earth
and a loving God that keeps me safe.
It seems as though a Wal-Mart is never to far away.
I got some weird looks when I walked in and I quickly
got a new shirt. Went into the bathroom to change and went
back in to get some gatorade.
The sweet adventures of life.
These are my favorite memories because it's when I feel the most alive and happy.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Settling back to our life in San Antonio
It's nice having Al home during the day.
He's been helping out around the house
major bonus all the yummy cooking.
Crepes in the morning and plantains.
He's still selling home automation systems for
around local neighborhoods.
We enjoy the flexability his job offers
some weeks he'll take a day off
because I need his help or when accidents happen.
When we came back I was excited to use our washer/dryer again
We turned on the washer and water started pouring out
under the washer and making a grinding sound.
Al had no idea what was wrong or how to fix it.
We thought about getting a new washer
but it wasn't in the budget.
My husband is Mr. Fixer
He read some blogs and called some appliance companies.
I became his assistant and found the model #
which turned out not to be an easy task.
He ordered the part and we waited almost two weeks.
Al took the washer apart and I was his tool girl
It really didn't take that long
We crossed our fingers that our washer would work again
TADA we have a working washer again.
Then our oven  and heater stopped working
So thankful for a nice landlord
who sent out technicians right away.
Once again we have a couch set
After some researching I found one on
craigslist for only $75 dollars.
We haven't had a couch in a very long time due to moving
and trying to decide on a perfect set.
We are making plans on moving in six months
so didn't want nice furniture to get destroyed in storage.
All of our needs have been met and we are comfortable.
What more could we want?
I'm in the process of volunteering at another hospital
and applying for work.
I've had a couple interviews which is a step in the right direction.
Graduate school is still on my mind
I was just hoping to find some work so I can start saving because we've
been working hard on a budget to get out of debt and once we
get to that point I want to keep going forward
not backwards!
We've been wanting to see the Alamo for sometime
We were going to wait for Al's parents to visit but it
looks like that's not going to happen.
Turns out admission to the Alamo is free.
So if any family members do come we'll see it again!
We went late on a Saturday afternoon which I wouldn't recommend.
My husband was going to go to work that day but discovered
he wouldn't have a technician so we decided to seize the day
Having a free Saturday in the near future most likely
would not be in our future.
We had a fun day, we found parking for only $2.50
on a weekend in downtown, such a steal.
We only had to walk three blocks to the Alamo.

Spanish settlers built the Mission San Antonio de Valero, named for St. Anthony of Padua, on the banks of the San Antonio River around 1718. They also established the nearby military garrison of San Antonio de Béxar, which soon became the center of a settlement known as San Fernando de Béxar (later renamed San Antonio). The Mission San Antonio de Valero housed missionaries and their Native American converts for some 70 years until 1793, when Spanish authorities secularized the five missions located in San Antonio and distributed their lands among local residents.
Beginning in the early 1800s, Spanish military troops were stationed in the abandoned chapel of the former mission. Because it stood in a grove of cottonwood trees, the soldiers called their new fort "El Alamo" after the Spanish word for cottonwood and in honor of Alamo de Parras, their hometown in Mexico. Military troops–first Spanish, then rebel and later Mexican–occupied the Alamo during and after Mexico's successful war for independence from Spain in the early 1820s. In the summer of 1821, Stephen Austin arrived in San Antonio along with some 300 U.S. families that the Spanish government had allowed to settle in Texas. The migration of U.S. citizens to Texas increased over the next decades, sparking a revolutionary movement that would erupt into armed conflict by the mid-1830s.


The Battle of the Alamo

In December 1835, in the early stages of Texas' war for independence from Mexico, a group of Texan (or Texian) volunteers led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam overwhelmed the Mexican garrison at the Alamo and captured the fort, seizing control of San Antonio. By mid-February 1836, Colonel James Bowie and Lieutenant Colonel William B. Travis had taken command of Texan forces in San Antonio. Though Sam Houston, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Texan forces, argued that San Antonio should be abandoned due to insufficient troop numbers, the Alamo's defenders–led by Bowie and Travis–dug in nonetheless, prepared to defend the fort to the last. These defenders, who despite later reinforcements never numbered more than 200, included Davy Crockett, the famous frontiersman and former congressman from Tennessee, who had arrived in early February.

On February 23, a Mexican force comprising somewhere between 1,800 and 6,000 men (according to various estimates) and commanded by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began a siege of the fort. The Texans held out for 13 days, but on the morning of March 6 Mexican forces broke through a breach in the outer wall of the courtyard and overpowered them. Santa Anna ordered his men to take no prisoners, and only a small handful of the Texans were spared. One of these was Susannah Dickinson, the wife of Captain Almaron Dickinson (who was killed) and her infant daughter Angelina. Santa Anna sent them to Houston's camp in Gonzalez with a warning that a similar fate awaited the rest of the Texans if they continued their revolt. The Mexican forces also suffered heavy casualties in the Battle of the Alamo, losing between 600 and 1,600 men

The line to get inside
no photography is allowed indoors.


Legacy of the Alamo

From March to May, Mexican forces once again occupied the Alamo. For the Texans, the Battle of the Alamo became a symbol of heroic resistance and a rallying cry in their struggle for independence. On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of 1,500 men at San Jacinto (near the site of present-day Houston), shouting "Remember the Alamo!" as they attacked. The victory ensured the success of Texan independence: Santa Anna, who had been taken prisoner, came to terms with Houston to end the war. In May, Mexican troops in San Antonio were ordered to withdraw, and to demolish the Alamo's fortifications as they went.

In 1845, the United States annexed Texas. For many years afterward, the U.S. Army quartered troops and stored supplies at the Alamo. In 1883, the state of Texas purchased the Alamo, later acquiring property rights to all the surrounding grounds. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, a women's organization including descendants of the earliest Texan residents, has managed the Alamo since 1905. Today, more than 2.5 million people a year visit the 4.2-acre site, which includes some original structures dating back to the mission period.

He actually let me take his photo.
I had to hurry before he changed his mind.
He's looking good in his new glasses.

End of our Tour...
Onto the Riverwalk

Rare moments we get our photo together.
A nice lady asked us if she could take our picture.
I have to say it's one of my favorites.

Felt bad for these ducks who got lost
in traffic. They almost got trumbled on.

My hair is slowly getting longer
maybe by next summer/fall
I'll beable to donate my thick/wavy
sometimes un-manageable hair!

Still working on my photography skills.
Al's been asking me what I want for Christmas.
I really want a nice new camera
but one that's not to big so I don't look
like a tourist if we ever travel abroad.
We'll see what Santa brings. Ho, Ho, Ho

At this point I was getting a bit tired of smiling for photos:)
I love the Riverwalk and seeing something new everytime
we venture downtown.