Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome to Louisiana

On Sunday my amazing husband let me sleep all day while he packed the car. Somehow I found the energy to pack all the things we needed and do the last minute cleaning of our house.
Al got our car working again and so we decided to hit the road in FAITH.

I can't remember the last time I've been so sick. It hasn't been the best road trip but I'm trying to make it a somewhat pleasant experience.
We stopped in Houston to get some lunch and I talked to a pharmacist what I could take with my antibiotic. He told Claritin. I've never had sinus problems but clearly my body wanted to show me what it's like to have sinus infection. Sounds and light make me dizzy. Severe toothache with a whole box of kleenex. I call it the GIFT that keeps on giving. 
Claritin did noththing for me but while traveling all the trees and nature made me feel happy.
We both haven't ever been to Louisiana so it's pretty exciting experience...

Finally arrived

 Love these trees, can't get enough

 So bummed while driving across a border there wasn't a welcome to Louisiana sign but discovered this sign instead which worked out to be a perfect discovery.

 My first visit to a swamp

 This little gecko looked black with a bit of red

While sitting on a picnic bench getting ready to have a snack this little guy came to visit me, yeah he scared me a little bit but he or she was harmless.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

New memories coming quickly

Last summer my luggage that I've had for ten years finally gave up and so I thought it was finally time for my luggage full of great memories to retire.

My new duffle bag
Let the new adventures Roll

Moving on OUT...

Truly the Best Stuff on Earth

I will miss having my husband work for Snapple. I've always loved Snapple.
Our little stock for the summer but I'm sure it won't last long.

The day my husband decided to put in his notice his boss called him in to offer him a promotion.
We are onto Better, Newer Adventures...