Saturday, May 6, 2017

Pedernales Falls State Park

Hard to believe we are adventuring into Anniversary #11

Since we took the boys on Anniversary #10 we wanted to find a place close that we could get away for the day with our family.

A student of mine mentioned Pedernales Falls State Park.

I looked it up on the map and liked their page on Facebook.

In a few seconds I asked them if they were dog friendly and they told us as long as they are on a 6 ft. leash.

I convinced Al to take the day off and I made us some sandwiches and snacks.

Packed the boys leashes, balls, towels, food and water.

We were off for a nice 90 mile drive in the hill country. 

It was only $6 dollars per person. Pretty inexpensive anniversary getaway.

This first part of the park there is a high current so humans are not allowed to wade or swim in this part of the park. Dogs can go swimming in any part of the park.

Pedernales Falls State Park was originally a working ranch. Known as the Circle Bar Ranch.
The state of Texas purchased the land in 1970 and the park opened in 1971.

My photos didn't capture all of the beauty of this park. We hiked over big rocks to get to a secluded swimming spot. I could of stayed in that spot all day. It was so peaceful as the boys swam and played.

Swimming. It was deep. We are amazed at how Berwyn is such a good swimmer.
Al was able to get Berwyn safely out.

We traveled to a different part of the park to go for another hike. We estimated hiking about eight miles for the day.

We had to cross the river to get to the hiking trail.

We let the dogs roam free on the hike since we were the only ones on the trail.
They loved being free in the nature. Al found me a good hiking stick so I could get safely
through the river and I continued to use it on our hike. We love hiking we just don't
get to hike very much in San Antonio.

The park has a beach access. More stairs and rocks to climb to get to the water. It was so pretty. Our spot had a fast paced current. Berwyn loved to take the current down. So I stayed up front and Al was at the bottom. We had a good rhythm getting him from one parent to the other. At one point Berwyn snuck by and Al swam after him in that moment I realized how much Al loves Berwyn. My heart may have gone pitter patter for these two boys. Berwyn gets in trouble with daddy quite often because sometimes he's naughty. He can't help himself he loves to have fun in the moment and then realized oops I have consequences. Hahaha....

Our day was so peaceful and it was so relaxing to get away from the city and be in nature.  They have camping and so we want to come back. More trails to explore....

We then drove to Austin to have some dinner. Which was about 40 miles away from the park. Didn't realize our restaurant was in downtown Austin. We paid a little more to have a secluded parking lot for the boys. The patio in the restaurant is dog friendly but the boys were tired so we let them rest in the car. We drove back home and didn't get back till almost 1 am. Next, time we would rent a hotel we didn't realize we would be gone for so long.

Al had so much fun that he took an additional day off. It was Cinco De Mayo. We went downtown listened to some music while drinking fresh squeezed lemonade.  We walked down by the river walk. Keep in mind we are both so sore from our previous adventure. We had heard of the world famous guacamole. We thought it would be a Mexican restaurant. Turns out it was a fancy upscale steak house. We enjoyed our fancy dinner together. Sorry no photos sometimes you just have to be present in the moment and enjoy the atmosphere.

Until Next Year.

Just kidding let's hope we can make time for more adventures since I'm almost done with graduate school.