Monday, November 26, 2012



No more hostess snacks

When I heard the news I was shocked could this be or was this some kind of trick. Apparently the company has been struggling in our economy for awhile.

So it got me thinking why are twinkies an american treat.
Like everything else I start researching at least I learned something from my stats class in college.

The famous treat known as the golden cake with creamy filling began in Schiller park Illinois, the inventor James Alexander Dewar a baker for the continental baking company.

He disovered the machines that made the delicious treat sat idle when Strawberries were out of season so he came up with banana cream twinkie.

The name came from a billboard in St Louis for "Twinkle Toe Shoes"

During World War two, bananas were rationed and the company was forced to switch to vanilla cream.

A common myth is that twinkies have an infinite shelf life.
Truth: twinkies can last 25 days or more.
Twinkies are on the store shelf no more than 7 to 10 days.
So if you discover a twinkie in the back of your pantry that has been there a while you might want to think twice about eating it.

As I discovered the news about the Hostess company going out of business I thought about childhood memories.

I mentioned to my husband how my mother use to put twinkies in my lunchbox on special days with little love notes.
So if it happened to be a hard day and I discovered a small treat it always made it better. Ding dongs could do the trick I have no discrimination against the delicious hostess treats.
My husband then said " I haven't had one in years, let's go get one and feel like a kid again."

We went to the store and I'm not hidding but the whole hostess shelf row was empty. People where going CRAZY stocking up on an AMERICAN treat!
I even saw a man filling up his cart with WonderBread...
Every once in a while I come up with a great idea. What about the gas stations they have to have a small treat. We really didn't need a whole box and besides one twinkie is all I need.
My desire for us was to have a special day in the park with our snack. So when I saw the twinkies sitting on the shelf waiting for me I was delighted. We are still newbies to the San Antonio area and so we asked the gas attendant if he knew where we could find a park. He gave us a strange look, like ma'am do you know where you are?

What we've learned about San Antonio, the city has good and bad pockets. A person could be in a really nice area and the next block or street you could find yourself in a part of town that you might not want to be in without sometype of security.
That doesn't stop us from exploring we love our new city and discovering it's history because there is a lot here. Well it use to be apart of Mexico so we see signs that say area established in 1714. Kind of cool to think about, Right?
So back to my story the clerk told us that we could go to Brackenbridge park. Just get back on the main road and eventually we would find it on our right. Don't you love simple directions when you know it won't be that simple? We thought it's a beautiful day we'll just have ourselves a little adventure.

We found the park which is a huge amazing park. It's surrounded by a golf course, zoo, and museum which we plan on going back to see everything.

So we sat down at a picnic bench and enjoyed maybe the last twinkies we'll eat and reminish about traditions. We had a beautiful view of a running stream with ducks in the lilly pads while being surrounded by GIGANTIC trees.

Afterwards we walked around the park holding hands and acting silly like school children...


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Unexpected New Adventures

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.       

Robert Frost

For years I have enjoyed reading and sharing the lives of my friends through  beautiful inspired blogs. They have made me smile, laugh, and even cry.

For six years it's just been my husband and I trying to make our dreams reality and deciding what we want for our little family. Thoughts of writing about our lives was only a far distant dream because I thought sometimes it's quite boring just the two of us but then we have moments that feel magical together and people may not realize at times I can be quite the comedian.

We all have fears and mine involved would anyone want to read about us? I'm also not the best speller and my thoughts often wander so could people look past my faults. With some encouragement and thinking we really have an amazing life together and have seen so many beautiful places that why wouldn't I  want to share those experiences with those that entered our lives for a short or long distance of time.

We've been blessed with opprounties to travel and so my inspiration for writing has come from those experiences and future travels with little tidbits about my everyday life.

 A little bit about my solo travels before my married travels. I grew up in Kennewick, Washington and occasionaly would make the fourty five minute drive to see my dad in Stanfield, Oregon. My mother in 1986 took all three of us kids to a World Expo in Canada I remember that being a fun adventure but she may have different memories. My grandparents where snowbirds so so we would make the long drives to Yuma, Arizona and I just remember my box of crayons getting melted in the hot car, swimming, watching older people play outdoor games and walks with my grandparents . We took a family trip to Puerta Vallarta at a young age but I have no recollection of that trip which is a shame because I've seen beautiful pictures of that area. I've heard of a time when I was a toddler that the whole family went to Wisconsin in one car for a family reunion but I don't really count that because I don't remember any of it. Why did we have to take so many great trips when I was so young? One day I will see the Midwest and East Coast. I can't leave out the time my mom took me on  a special girls trip to Maui I think I was about twelve and had so much fun traveling the island and experiencing new things. Not sure why but my ears popped for two days straight so whenever I travel on a plane my purse is stocked with bubble gum and mints.

This was me once upon a time with the caption.
Gotta love our matching swimsuits.

When I was in High School my friend and his family invited me on a family trip to Sacramento/ San Fransisco area. We went to six flags the only six flags I've ever been to. We then traveled to the beautiful red woods and the Oregon Coast. I am an ocean girl true and true. My mother would save her money and take us to the Oregon Coast and to this day it's one of my favorite places to visit. Clam chowder, gift shops, taffy, and walking for miles along the ocean with the sweet smell of salt.

After High School I decided to attend college in Rexburg, Idaho. It was so very cold and I often think it was a stepping stone to prepare me for the weather I would experience two years later. While I was at college my roommates and I took a trip to Jackson, Wyoming and saw the Teton mountains so pretty. We even took another road trip to Salt Lake City my first experience at the vast mountains, mountains I would grow to love years later.


In February 2003, I made a decision to serve a full-time mission for my church and in June I flew to Provo, Utah and entered the Missionary Training Center for three months. This one decision changed my world. During those eighteen months my love for new cultures, people, food, and travel would open me to new unknown adventures. I was asked to serve in Novosibirsk, Russia and later Dublin Ireland. The friendships I made during that time in my life I will always treasure. After my service my dad picked me up and I got to show him Dublin and then we traveled to London, Paris and Stockholm Sweden. In future posts I hope to share more about this time in my life.

Eating Plov that was cooked over an outdoor fire
                                          and is a famous Russian dish.

Three weeks after I came home from Europe I met my wonderful husband. On our first date he drove me two hours to Spokane, Washington. We walked in the beautiful park, ate thai and watched a movie. A year later he would take me back and propose at that very same restuarant with same waitor. So Spokane will always be a special place for us.

For my twenty fifth birthday Al wanted to take me someplace I would never forget. He gave me the option of Mount Rushmore Or DisneyLand. I choose DisneyLand but Mount Rushmore is still on my list of places I want to see. This was our first BIG road trip together and he even took me down the long California coast and we stopped in a place called Lucia. The most romantic date both of us had  been on and it wasn't planned. Dinner overlooking the beautiful coast! Since then we have been to Sacramento, San Diego, Indio, and Palm Springs.

Before I get to far into our traveling and experiences I want to express that I love and treasure being an Aunt. My greatest joy is traveling to be with them and watching them grow! We wish we could live closier to them and our true desires and ambitions is to always be with our family. We've been asked if we want children and maybe some people may think we are putting off having children to travel but we are simply waiting for our time to be parents whenever we will be blessed in that capacity. Until then we will continue to learn and have a solid marriage so that we can have a strong family.




Our honeymoon was a surprise I was studing at the local community college so it had to be farely close and short. My new husband picked the perfect spot Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. It's nestled in the mountains and on a lake. We rented a boat, explored the beautiful lake, looked in cute little shops and watched Mission Impossible. From this we have a tradition of watching a new movie that comes out on our Anniversary.

Our first Anniversary we went to Wallula Lake in Oregon and stayed in a cabin in the mountains this was also a surprise. Al would make stops along the way trying to confuse me about our destination.

In 2008, we moved to Utah so I could finally finish my college degree. Utah is such a beautiful state and I have so many wonderful memories of drives in the cannon, Bear Lake, Moab, and Lake Powell.

The Great Salt Flats.

 For one of my mile marker birthdays my husband took me to Las Vegas but I was so sick during that trip it's not on my favorite list. We did have the best tasting Apple Juice I've ever had at a restaurant in the Paris hotel. He even took me to Tiffany's to pick something out but I just couldn't let him spend that much money on a piece of jewelry I would only wear once or twice!

                                       I got this haircut in Vegas all I can say is what
                                       happens in Vegas stays in Vegas except I've
                                       been trying to grow it out for the last two years!

San Juan, Puerto Rico was one of my favorite trips. Exploring castles, rain forest, boat rides, playing in the ocean, wonderful people and food. That trip changed our married life we discovered the love for travel and seeing new things. We are always thinking where should we go next...

Christmas of 2009 we had the opporunity to go to Guatemala and see family. Al hadn't seen his family in many years and the three weeks we spent with them is a very special time in our lives. We are always asking ourselves how and when can we get back? We saw the beautiful city of Antigua, black sand beaches, Lake Atitlan, traveled to Semuc Champey, and Tikal. The summer of 2011 my husband was in Hawaii for work so I went back to Guatemala by myself for his Grandmothers 90th birthday. My wonderful experiences will have to wait in another post but I've been a house wife for the last few years so I have a lot to say!

We spent four months apart which felt like an eternity and we were so excited to see each other again. Oahu was our second honeymoon and it was difficult to leave and go back to Oregon. Al wanted to show me the island he grew to love and so in our rented car we saw just about every beach. My favorite beach was Sunset beach because we played in the water with the surfers and Al dived for seashells to add to my massive collection.We had the opporunity to see Pearl Harbor, downtown China town, Dole plantation, and Polynesian Cultural Center that's about as perfect as a vacation can get.

After we came back from Hawaii my mom and step-dad picked us up.
We had a great time walking down town and going to the very top of the space needle in Seattle.
My mom and I taking in the view.

Recently we saw Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico which feels like your in a different world underground.White Sands national monument in New Mexico. U.S.S Lexington in Corpus Christi, Texas. A little piece of Mexico which they serve the best tasting lemonade I've ever had. Yep, we got to use our passports! Padre Island and NASA in houston, texas. A month ago we traveled to four corners so we can check that off our list.We have a few other trips in the works down the road but that will be for a later post.

So what was stopping me from writing about my perspective of being in the passenger seat watching the miles go by while my husband steered us in the right direction? The unknown...

This coming year I'm making some goals of overcoming my fears and doing things I've always wanted to do and I hope to share those experiences with whomever wants to share this journey with us. I have so many ambitions that I hope to share and keep for a record for my family and I hope everyone will enjoy our mile markers that we make every day.

I have a knack for writing to much so in  in future blogs I hope to share more of my aspirations and future plans for our little family.

Yes we have big dreams while trying to achieve the little miles so we can enjoy the bigger miles down the road.