Sunday, March 31, 2013

First Easter in Texas

Happy Easter
The last week in March had been a bit CRAZY and stressful for me.
I haven't had one of those week as the days goes on it gets progressively worse.
I guess I was due
At the beginning of the week I told my husband that when the rain comes
the sunshine will come out as I was trying hard to be positive.
He smile and replied "You can drown in the rain"
My husband brought this home for me a week before Easter.
It had a very strong fragrance and excited to plant it for the enjoyment of coming years.
By Wednesday evening I felt as though I was drowning
Then I realized I should be preparing for Easter
and remembering the true meaning of Easter
and not the Easter Bunny.
When I usually want to switch gears I bake and cook
It's very therapeudic for me.
I haven't really figured out the art of baking bread
but I made a attempt and it wasn't bad.
I want our family to start eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
and less processed foods
So this summer my goal is to figure the tricks to making breads
and filling our table with healthly choices.
I even made some fresh salsa
So even though this was a hard week we had so many wonderful things happen
Our friends went to Mexico and brought us back a beautiful gift.
I can't even describe the wonderful feelings I have realizing our friends went
on vacation and thought of us.
Our friends here take such good care of us and have become family.
During holidays celebrations they always make sure to invite us over.
We've discover in Texas Easter is huge.
All the grocery stores are packed and people camp out in the park for a week
to make sure they have the perfect spot to celebrate Easter.
On Saturday I checked our mail box and waiting for me was a package from
my grandma and a card  from my mom.

Hand written letters are the best...
I just sat and looked at the package and letter feeling so grateful for my family
and realizing everything else doesn't matter.
I love Easter and Spring time.
All the trees and flowers in bloom with the different shades of color.
Grateful to have the freedom of religion
To go to church, be around good people and have the blessings of working with the little children.
Each week I never know what the children are going to say
which usually makes me smile and laugh
I love that they want to sit on my lap, tell me about their dresses/toys and siblings and that they want to hold my hand and even take time for potty breaks.
I can really understand why Jesus loves the little children.
I love that I have a hard working husband and is really good to me.
Today he came home and surprised me with tulips, he really knows me so well.
While making my red potato salad, I just had to dye some eggs
it just wouldn't feel like Easter if I didn't.

I love giving gifts and putting my heart into the outer presentation of the gift
My husband Easter basket.
I feel the same way about my dinner table
I love decorating and making it feel warm and inviting
The dinner table is so important it's where the bonding and talking
of relationships form.
Some of the best deep felt conversations have happened over
a warm plate of food.
Just as we started a conversation about how blessed we are
a HUGE thunderstrom came by.
I joked wouldn't it be fitting if on a day of
celebrating the Resurrection of Christ
what if he decided to come
and bring Universal PEACE...


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