Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The last few weeks I've been thinking about St. Patrick's Day


Ireland and her people


Land of pristine lakes, Verdant valleys and pastoral country side.
Sea swept coastlines, cliffs that climb up and skyward from the ocean waves.
Sun that warms both heart and summer air, casting long
Shadows upon the mist that lingers in the sweet meadow.
Music that delights the ear, while settings one’s heart a-flutter.

“Danny Boy” not just a song, but a nations "anthem"
Brilliant minds, scholars, poets, playwright, authors and men
of letters. Great universities and halls of higher learning.

Great statesman and parliamentarians.
St. Patrick her holy patron.
The harsh famines that gave way to the tidal wave of immigration that
never diminished the Irish spirit and gift of laughter of her great

People who contributed resource and talent to their newly adopted home-lands.


In 2004, I lived in Ireland for nine months serving a mission for my church.


I've begun writing about the journey to Ireland and maybe one day I'll have the courage
to press the publish button on that entry.

Lately I've been spending quite a few hours in my craft room which is filled with all my books, scrapbooking supples and fabrics that one day I hope I'll have organized.

My husband has often found me sitting on the floor surrounded by piles of pictures from my precious time in Ireland. Al will peek his head in and ask "what are you doing?"

Looking back during that time I was so full of happiness for the future and fullfilling my dreams.

The view from our apartment in Galway

Some of those dreams still have not been fullfilled due to circumstances beyond my control and this week I've come to realize I can make new dreams to accomplish and that my world will and can be full of happiness.

Before I left Ireland I wrote down some goals and one of those goals was to volunteer in a Children's Hospital. Finally eight years later I'm volunteering in a local Children's Hospital. I'm loving the time I have with all the children and families. It gives me clarity and perspective which is exactly what I need.

Once again got caught playing with the kids.

So this St. Patrick's Day I'm reminding myself that anything is possible because that's what my time in Ireland taught me.

An important lesson that I learned when it's pouring rain, getting chased by dogs or you're about to miss the bus. You move and you move fast.

 Went for a hike in Bray, Ireland
 Discovered a swing.
I've never been very graceful:)
Yep, I slid all the way down!

Often times you get knocked down and you just get up and try again.

 Our view after our hike


Sometimes I'll have current experiences that give me anxiety and chest pains. Having doubts that I'm not strong enough and having feelings of wanting to give up. Then I'll think of experiences I had in Ireland and think well I endured that back then so I can do this and off I go.

Church of Ireland: I would marvel
at the beautiful churches.

Ireland is such a beautiful place and I wanted to share some of that beauty. It's hard to pick and choose certain photos so in the next few weeks I'll work on posting more and sharing experiences from my perspective of Ireland.

My dad picked me up from Ireland and I had the opporunity to show him around Dublin and we traveled to London, Paris, Sweden, and Denmark. When we boarded our final flight back to the States I honestly remember thinking I'm coming back and in my mind I thought it would be soon...

I've been wanting to go back since our plane landed in Seattle and hoping I can go back to Ireland with my husband and show him the land that began filling my heart with endless possabilities...

So today I wanted to have a little celebration

 Irish Soda Bread
Homemade Lime Green Punch
 Irish Green Potato Soup
Hard Work pays off in the FUTURE
Luck pays off now!


  1. Lime green punch?! Yum...sounds good!

    I love how you point out that you can always make new dreams and still have a life full of happiness. I think we all get so worried about this cookie cutter life scenario we want, and when it doesn't happen in our time frame it is seriously distressing. But more importantly than that...our Heavenly Father wants us to find fulfillment in life as it is right now. And find joy in the possibilities he has given us right now, too.

    You are awesome--and you have no need to feel inadequate. I have faith in you!

    My favorite quote forever will be:
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” by Marianne Williamson

    1. You would have loved the soup. It was vegetarian: Butter,onions, leeks, and potatos. The garnishes on top just optional:)

      My dear friend you've changed my life and helped me think outside the box!

      Thank You for the qoute, it's exactly what I neeeded to hear.

      I've met so many amazing people while volunteering in different organizations. Even if our situations change it will always be apart of our life.

  2. p.s. love that you're volunteering! I miss that aspect of my younger was VERY important to me, and now I feel like it has to take the back burner. You are blessed to be able to do that!

  3. thank you for bringing a little piece ( a very delicious ) of Ireland into our home. it really meant A LOT. and, did i mention it was delicious>
