Saturday, May 4, 2013

Can it really be? Why yes I think sooo...

Seven Years
One of our first photos together.
Don't we look so young and slim???
I can hardly believe we've been married seven years.

Al had just gotten his car, we've had some great adventures and memories in that car.
Just wanted to take a stroll down memory lane...
Most of these photos are the fifteen months that we dated.

Not sure who got Al to laugh but I love his smile.

Our first road trip together.

Dream come true to see a Dodger's game.

Stewart Falls, in Utah

Met up with Al's parents in Salt Lake City.
I have the best Father in law who took us for a ride
around the city. I was so excited I think I was the
first one to get on.

First time meeting Al's brother and his family.

Getting our first Christmas Tree.

Our first Christmas Together.

My grandma made Al a birthday cake.

My grandparents invited us to a church dinner.

Aren't they so cute together?

My grandpa and "us"

We've had our joys, laughter and even sadness.

The night we got engaged, a night full of joy and surprise! 
I remember we had only been married eighteen months
and had met our new neighbors who had been married
for seven years and I remember them being so sweet together
who had no children.
Here, we are in a similar situtaion.
I've been thinking about marriage lately and how you go in with faith
and have hope that you've picked a spouse that will always be by your side
especially when the thunderstorms come because they will come.
Will you have picked someone who will leave you feeling
alone in the drenching rain?
or have you done good and picked someone who will hold
your hand and guide you out of the storm and help dry you off.
Will they be there when the sunshine comes out?
 Be that special someday to enjoy the rainbows with.
As each year goes by I realize how blessed
I am to share my life experiences
with this great man I've been given.
He continues to show me time after time
that he is by my side
and that we are a TEAM
We don't have a perfect marriage
I've come to the conclusion that doesn't exist 
 I'm not perfect and have many many flaws
but in these years I've grown so much as a person
beyond what I thought was possible
We are two opposites with all our
strengths and weaknessess
to become one unit.

Looking forward to what the future brings
with many more years of adventures together.

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