Monday, September 16, 2013

Ft. Lauderdale Temple/LDS Temples

"You'll Never Walk Alone"
This song reminds me of the poem
Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."
Mary Stevenson
 Seems like everytime I convince my husband we should do somethig it rains
No beach day for us so I convinced my husband to find
the Ft. Lauderdale Temple. It's still under construction but managed
to take a few photos.


The beauty and majestic serenity of the temples on the Earth gives me peace
and a sense that I'm not alone that at times I'm being carried during my
happiest and hardest times I've experienced in my life.
Song of Solomon 4:3
Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely thy temples are like
a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.
Temples are sacred, holy places. They are a source of
spiritual power and strength. They are a place of Revelation.
So what is Revelation?
The meaning of revelation is to make known or uncover.
In the bible many of the prophets have taught about revelation.
(Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Paul, Peter, and many more)
Divine Revelation is a key principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Without it man cannot know the things and will of God.
Revelation is a divine truth thru communication.
Often times I've lived a long distance from my dad
I will call him and seek guidance and advice
Sometimes he will say something that I hadn't thought of before
and it makes perfect sense.
Sometimes I think I'm so lucky to have a smart supportive father
which has made a big difference in my life.
I would like to believe receiving revelation from God is very similar.
We come unto him with our burdens and ask "What do I do?"
If we listen with a sincere willing heart it will be known unto us
the answer we are seeking.
Since temples are the Lord house on those sacred grounds
revelation would often be given for those earnestly seeking.
The Lord has always asked His people to build temples. The Lord commanded Moses: “Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.”The portable tabernacle they built served as the central place of Israel’s worship during their pilgrimage to the promised land. Its pattern and structure were revealed by the Lord to Moses. It was to be the Lord’s holy house.
Later, King Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem using the finest building materials available.
In the bible the book of Kings 7:51  So was ended all the work that King Solomon made for the house of the Lord. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the Lord.

I owe my fist exposure to an LDS temple to my grandparents. My mother parents. My grandparents first learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from a co-worker of my grandfather. His co-worker mentioned he was taking a vacation to Salt Lake City, Utah to see Temple Square. Temple square has several buildings that show the history of the church, a tabernacle, and the temple. He asked my grandfather have you ever been there? Not sure why my grandpa said yes but he did. His friend sent over two missionaries from the church and my grandparents, uncle, and mother accepted the teachings and were baptized.


On June 15th, 1989 a LDS temple in Portland, Oregon was built. I was eight years old and my grandparents took me to go see the temple. Which is about a four hour car ride from there home.When a temple is built before it's dedicated the chuch has an open house and all are welcome to come and see the temple. I remember my uncle came with my cousin christy and her daughter. Can't recall who else came I was only eight. I remember the beautiful flowers on the grounds. We waited in line for our turn and I got to put on white booties so my shoes wouldn't dirty the temple. I remember my grandpa grabbing my hand as we went into elevators and going into a grand room with an chandalier. I will never forget that feeling of peace and love that I felt. I remember all of us walking the grounds as a family and how happy everyone felt. Twelve years later I would come back and get to enter into the temple with my dad and with dear friends. I felt the same peace and assurance of God love and mercy.

As a young child I didn't go to church that often but things changed for me my freshmen year of high school. I walked to the LDS church while my mother and her boyfriend went to a different church. I felt as though I was at a crossroads in my life. Either I was going to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ 100 percent or I was going to take my life in a different direction. I closed my eyes in the church chapel and felt complete silence and received a personal revelation that I was in the right place and the Lord would help me on my journey to accept him and his gospel. That journey wasn't easy for me and I would often go to the temple, walk the grounds and sit by the fountains. I vowed one day I would go in those walls. I have made mistakes but I have no regrets. I still have challenges that I wish I didn't have to face but temples give me peace that no matter what everything will be ok.

When I decided to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and was asked to serve in Novosibirsk, Russia. I was always amazed by the church members. Members would save for years and years to journey to the closest temple Stockholm, Sweden. Some members will never get to have that experience due to the long journey and expenses. Members would take a train, flight, and boat ride to get to Sweden. Taking several weeks journey. Then when I served in Dublin, Ireland the closest temple was England and once again hearing peoples personal stories of traveling to the temple. I was blessed to find a husband that has a great knowledge of the gospel and a family full of faith as he told me there journey to get to the Mesa, Arizona temple.

Why would people make these life changing sacrifices to get to the Lords house?

I think it goes back to once we receive the blessings and gifts God gives us inside these sacred temples we truly don't walk alone. He's forever by our side.

I'll try and remember all the temples I've been blessed to see.

                           Portland, Oregon

                           Idaho Falls, Idaho

The temple my parents were married in and that I got to visit often when I went
to BYU-Idaho


Tri-Cities Columbia River, WashingtonColumbia River Washington Mormon Temple
This will always be a very special temple. This is where my husband and I were married. I will
never forget entering the room where my to be husband was waiting and when he saw me tears rolled
down his cheeks and said you're so beautiful. I hope everyone will feel that kind of love.

Spokane, WA.

A friend and I went on a roadtrip to Spokane and went to the open house.
Seattle, WA.
Seattle Washington Mormon Temple

                           Boise, Idaho

Boise Idaho Mormon Temple
Los Angeles, CA.

Los Angeles California Mormon Temple
Since my husband grew up in Los Angeles this is the temple he went to.
He took me here around Christmas time and it was so beautiful decorated
with lights.

                           Redlins, CA.
Redlands California Mormon Temple
When we went to visit my husband brother he took us to see this temple.
Then when Al was away at work and I was visiting this temple it gave me
peace during that difficult time.
San Diego, CA.

No words to describe the beauty of this temple. I was excited when sister missionaries greeted us to tell us about the temple.
Salt Lake City, UT.

First time I got to go in this temple is when my good friend got married here.

Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Sweden Mormon Temple
Thanks to a good friend that told us how to take the train to this location.
When my dad and I arrived it was closed for the week for cleaning but
still a great experience. My dad and I then got pastries across town.

                            Provo, UT.
Provo Utah Mormon Temple
When I went to the Missionary Training Center to learn the Russian Language
this temple was across the street and we were able to visit once a week.
When we lived in Utah I had a life altering experience and went for a drive
and ended up in the parking lot of the Provo temple. All I could do was cry
and look at the temple. Once again I felt the assurance that everything would
eventually be ok.

Logan, UT.
Logan Utah Mormon Temple
My husband and I took a mini vacation to Bear Lake and along the way
we stopped to look at the beautiful Logan temple.

Guatemala City, Guatemala
Guatemala City Guatemala Mormon Temple
Al's uncle was kind enough to take us to the Guatemala City Temple. His
uncle then took us to lunch above the city and we had a beautiful view of
the temple and city.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

San Antonio, Texas

Houston, Texas

                            Laie, Hawaii
My husband and I got to watch a video of the area of this temple
and about the people in the early 1900s.

We've driven by others but can't remember all of them. Feel so blessed for these opporunities.

Thank You for reading my story, thoughts and beliefs on temples!


  1. Wow--I've never seen photos of the Houston unique!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony :-)

  2. The Houston temple is so beautiful. I have some great pictures I should post. Anytime:) My knowledge and experiences increase every day!
