Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kreutzberg Canyon Natural Area

Texas Hill Country

I've been missing the mountains and rivers
San Antonio is so very flat.
This week I've been sick and desperately
needed to get out of the house.
So I looked to find a serene place
to do some walking and have
a picnic.

It took a little over an hour
to find our destination

The weather was a bit colder
than we expected
but the fresh air was so worth it.

Lately I've enjoyed taking
photos for my family and friends
to enjoy

We both enjoyed our own explorations

These little plants popped up everywhere along the trail

Saw these amazing butterflies

I love finding new places
to visit near our home.

I was really drawn to this TREE
standing all by itself alone with it's own beauty.
At times in my life I can relate...

The park had a building
to sit and watch the birds.
Those little birds come and go
so FAST.

Fun day in the wilderness...



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