Saturday, January 4, 2014

Just the Two of us, we can make it a Christmas if we try!

We started the first week of December watching
The Sound of Music and eating chocolate covered pretzels
with eggnog. 

This year we got a tree a bit late.
Not many tree lots in Texas
We went to one Wal-Mart that was selling Christmas trees
by the time we went the guy told us they were sold out.
Would we get a tree?
We decided to try another Wal-Mart.
We had rows and rows of trees to choose from.
A decent tree and the least expensive tree we've ever purposed.
This year I had Al put on the lights.

Discovered a set of scandinavian ornaments that I couldn't resist.

So I saw many pictures of friends trees this year.
For the first time ever I started comparing my tree.
Seriously, what is wrong with me? Ha ha ha
I didn't put many bulbs on the tree this year 
but got a few extra ornaments at Kohls after Christmas sales.
Thank You mom for the Kohls cash.

 Our friends gave Al a great daily inspiration book.
In Utah a dear friend gave me one after I graduated
I love all the great quotes.
So Al has one to put in his study.
I love good books...

Is this really what I think it is?
I think at first he was confused, 
how did my mom guess we've been wanting one for years.
Ha, Ha I gave mom a few ideas.
Mmm, Saturday morning waffles can be in our future...


This last summer Al grandmother passed away.
She had been my pen pal for seven years.
We had tried to make plans to see her in March
but we weren't able to make it happen.
She was so healthy and had an accident.
It was very unexpected.
We both loved her very much.

I found some photos of them together.

We had our friends over for Al traditional stuffed french toast.
I love having wonderful friends over filling our home with laughter.
I miss them so much when they leave.

Some friends had us over for Christmas Day dinner second year in a row.
They requested my homemade cranberry sauce which was a hit once again.
I met a really nice lady that thought I was sixteen.
She couldn't believe it when I told her my actual age.
Really, you're not sixteen?
Ha, Ha. NO, NO but thank you.
She responded: "What do you use on your face?"
Me with a giggle. "Not much. I'm kind of lazy in that department."
My parents just gave me great European genes.

A big thank you to Al's parents and my dad who sent us cash for Christmas.

Thanks to my dad I finally have new curtains for our bedroom.

Life is good and we feel so blessed for having so much love in our life.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Boat Ride

When we first arrived to SA our Bishop from our church
told us he was a tour guide on the River walk.
My first thought "What a cool job"

He offered to take us for a free boat ride.

Not sure what we were waiting for

I guess we keep waiting for family to arrive
No one has arrived and so we keep missing out.

We won't be in San Antonio forever, it's a stop along the way
trying to figure out our traveling dreams.

We have dreams of being full-time travelers
This last year I've been following quite a few traveling blogs
It's been opening up so many new ideas to our dreams/goals for our family
Y travel blog: Craig quote
"Who cares what naysayers tell you and how they make you feel?
All that matters is that you are following your heart and caring
passionately about making a difference.

Our new years resolutions are putting a bit of a hault on traveling to Mexico.
It will happen...
Another quote from Y travel blog: Craig
"Winners never quit, and quitters never win"

So Al can go back to school in the fall.
I don't want my husband to have any regrets with not receiving a degree
even if he never uses it but hoping his degree will help us advance
further in our traveling ambitions.
Our goal is to get back to Guatemala
to pay our respects and good byes to 
Al grandmother that passed away this last summer
Also see our family that we miss dearly.

My friend called me and asked if I would be willing to help out on a youth caroling boat ride.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

My husband loves caroling and wanted to go too.
We had so much fun.

My husband told me every time you step on a boat you're so happy. It's TRUE...
I love a new adventure....

My friend son who I've grown attached to.
I'm his adopted Auntie...
We both pointed to the beautiful decorated Christmas lights
on the River and enjoyed the magic of Christmas
as people waved to us as we sang!

A big thank you to our Bishop who volunteered his time to create
a magical experience for the youth and adults.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Second Christmas in Texas...

I had all these big plans for preparing for Christmas.
Then our only working car brakes went out.

Honestly feel as though angels were looking out over us.

So grateful for our neighbor who took my husband to a shop
that takes apart parts. I'm sure my husband would explain
it better but to me it's that simple!

Also to friends who took my husband to church
and took me around to the post office and stores.

So grateful for those with kind hearts.

Finally after going to a few auto part stores we got the tools we
needed for my husband to repair the car.

My husband is awesome, repaired the car in time
to enjoy Christmas Day dinner with some friends.

So I saw this wood plaque and thought I could make one just like it.
Not sure what I was thinking but adds uniqueness Christmas decor to our home.

I had all these great plans of baking and wrapping, delivering to neighbors and loved ones.
It's Christmas Eve and I have pumpkin cookies baking in the over for our neighbors.

A few days ago a good friend picked me up and helped me deliver a few trays of cookies
to friends near me. I even still have a few Christmas cards that will go in the mailbox today.

I've come to terms with not being perfect and having weaknesses.
The good news is even after Christmas is come and gone
I can still follow Christ light and so kindness to others
as kindness was shown to us in our hour of need.

We did get to see some Christmas lights.

This year it was so cold, we were the only ones
walking the neighborhoods. Traffic was so backed
up that we didn't regret our choice!

Al, didn't tell me when to smile.
Guess whose behind me???

Christmas lights make me so happy!
I'm all bundled up...
Two shirts

Some times we get a couple of cardinals in our backyard.
Recently we've seen woodpeckers.
Love birds!

My nephews and nieces would love this house!

This reminded me of my European heritage.

In the community they have this big tree
by a fire station with pictures with Santa.
This year we even got free hot chocolate with a cookie.
They also have movies playing for the kids.

It was fun to get out of the house and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. I've started babysitting for a lady occasionally so it was fun to take my husband out for our traditional Denny shakes and onion rings.