Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Celebration

This year our friends invited us over for some yummy barbecue, mmm so good.

We ate way too much but in 2013 we'll start our new resolutions with being healthly once again.

We left our friends house about 11:30 p.m. and headed downtown, for the firework show.

Al was lucky and found us a great parking spot and then we waited for the countdown.

Out with the Old

In with the New

Friday, December 28, 2012


Simple is Always Better



One of our new sayings in our family  Simple is Always Better.


My husband likes to tell me he’s simple but complex.
So instead of stressing about Christmas gifts and what to get him this year I applied our simple rule!
I decided to apply my listening skills as he mentioned he saw a Sunkist
cherry limeade soda he wanted to try and so that’s what I got him.
When he opened his present he was so excited jumping up and down.

Geese, I would have thought I had just got him a brand new carJ
One of the many reasons why I love him so much.

 I also gave me a glow in the dark puzzle which we’ll put together on
New Year’s while we wait for the clock to strike midnight.

This Christmas was great I didn’t have to see his disappointed face
as I gave him a shirt that he didn’t like.
I guess our taste in style is a bit different.

 My husband really knows me so well. He gave me a pot for my growing
green spider plant that he got me a few month’s ago. He also
surprised me with a Pink Lady Indian Hawthorn
plant which can grow up to six feet.


It was really nice that our families remembered us from Washington.


Al’s parents sent us some delicious chocolate covered dried cherries.
Mmm, so good.

Also some blackberry and peach jam from a wonderful place called
Mercantile. We have some special memories with them at this cute little
farm where they took us a year ago for lunch.


Al received some shoes from his mother-in-law, what a great gift…


So how does a couple of two make dinner on Christmas Eve without having to eat a bunch of leftovers?


T.V. Dinners…..



Then we celebrated with another family tradition.  The Sound of Music


Christmas Day we celebrated by inviting some wonderful friends
over for Al’s traditional Stuffed French Toast.
Sometimes we get some weird expressions when I tell people
Al will do the cooking. He really is the better cook in our family
I just get to relax and be the host. It works out great.

I finally got to use my placemats and napkins from Guatemala
that our family gave to me as a gift.

In the evening our friends invited us over for a divine dinner.
First time having prime rib and it was good.
Our host even made baked beans with bacon a dish
I’ll have to try in the future. I brought a salad with apples with
a hint of lemon which surprisingly everyone enjoyed.
I guess families still enjoy veggies with their Christmas Dinner.


Here, in San Antonio it dropped in temperature
so it’s been cold but without any SNOW!

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and
can remember to appreciate the simple things in your life…

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Towel

This time of the year I try to think of a few people and make cookies or baskets.

One year I made fruit baskets and I have to admit they looked professional. This year I tried to make several batches of cookies but both batches failed which left me asking

"What happened to the Amazing baker I use to be?"

I'de like to blame it on the oven since it's ancient but I think I'll be sticking to my old recipes that have been successes in the past.

So this year I discovered tiny little baskets at one of my favorite stores and filled them with Creme filled hershey kisses, a card, a towel and what that towel can be used for.

After writing my mom telling her about the towel message I thought it would be easier just to share it on my new blog.

Hope everyone enjoys it and the last few days leading to Christmas.

The Towel
At first glance one looks at a kitchen towel and may think,
"Wow, a towel-I need a new one!" Have you ever stopped to think
that for thousands of years the towel has not just been used in the
kitchen but for a wide variety of purposes?
Take, for example the parent who wipes the tears of a little
child to soothe physical and emotional hurt; the physician who binds
the wound of a patient; the woman in her home wiping her hands as
she moves from task to task; the weary traveler who wipes his
sweated brow.
Perhaps the most significant us of the towel; however, was
about two thousand years ago when our loving brother, Jesus Christ,
took an ordinary towel in his hands and dried the feet of his
disciples only hours before his cruxifixion.
It is true, the towel is a handy item with a myriad of uses, but it
also has a deep symbolic meaning when seen in the hands of the
Savior doing a work of kindness for his fellowmen.
So, take the towel, knowing it is given with love, and do good
works as the Savior did so many years ago.
We Celebrate his birth and reverence his
Name at this Christmas Season.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

WindCrest Community Light Show

Every Sunday we drive into a nice senior/family community to get to church.

One of those that has a golfcourse.
We like this area so much we've even looked at houses to buy in this area
Well, mostly looking for parent-in-law maybe hoping to tempt them to
move closier to us. We miss our Sunday dinners with them.

This is the style of lights I would like on our house!

A little fact about me I love looking at houses have for as long as I can remember.
When I was a teenager while driving I would often turn on an unknown street and find a quiet
cul- de-sac looking for signs "For Sale"

Who wants a tree like this? AMAZING


The nice lady at this house says it takes her 7 weeks to prepare all the lights.

I think my fascination with houses comes from a divided home. A warm inviting home always was symbolic for me in that I viewed it as stability in my existence. A place of family gathering, laughter, pies baking, and friends coming over for barbecues.

Loved this entrance.
If we had an outdoor mailbox I could see myself decorating it this pretty blue.
I think this will be the only snowman we'll see in Texas
I love big windows, amazing views, big gardens, and white fences. That's really the criteria I have for our home someday. We are working toward that goal. I love that my husband engages in my creativity but his house dreams are a bit grander. One day we'll find our home that statisfies both of our desires. Until then we feel very blessed to have our three bedroom home with a pretty big front and back yard. We are already thinking about some GRAND parties to have in 2013!

During this time of the year as people enter the Windcrest community they have a huge sign Christmas Light Show December 15th-31st. Presented by the womans club. I thought woman clubs  only existed in the 60's I guess they still exist. HA HA HA...
All the cars waiting to see all the houses. Can you see my husband in shorts?

So I convinced my husband that we had to go for a date night. I love traditions. When I was younger my grandparents would pick us up and we would go watch the parade of boats go down the Columbia River as they were decorated with fancy lights. Then we would go look at Christmas lights. Our favorite area was Garfield Hill and the houses by the airport. Then we would always go have an ice-cream shake afterwards. This is a tradition I want for our family...
Guess who I found?

As we drove into this community there was a huge traffic jam. Police officers and firefighters guiding traffic. We decided to park and walk. We walked to the main event by the fire station. Looks like they had a night race which I'll have to look into next year. A huge line for Santa Claus, couldn't convince Al to get in the line but maybe in a few years when we have a child or two. In a area off to the side they had a huge line for hot chocolate, Al really wanted some but we decided to walk around and then we would come back. When we came back it was closed, I felt really bad but we ended up having such a great time that it was ok that we missed the warm milk. They also had a big screen of movies playing with a camp fire with fake snow. I had never walked looking at Christmas lights because it's usually so dang cold. Not here, walking in sweaters and Al in shorts.
Such a pretty Angel: Reminded me of Angels we have heard on High...
Sorry this is blurry but I thought it was cool to see carriages.
I overheard the lady tell the driver: "You can take the short cuts"
His response: "Laughing, uh no short cuts with heavy traffic especially with a horse!"
The green and red lights on the lawn flashed, I was lucky to time the picture just right.

So after looking at a map off we went. It was quite comical walking faster than the cars where moving. Children where standing up in the cars with their little heads sticking out the sunroofs spreading good cheer of Merry Christmas. We would greet them with Merry Christmas and say "you want to race?"

 Two little white girls replied "Adios Amigos." We looked at each and started laughing. Al replied: "Adios Amigos and Merry Christmas."

Walking down one street a pretty little girl in the cutest little dress had her head out of a mini van looking at all the amazing lights. I asked her "Have you seen Santa?" Her eyes got so BIG and so Al explained to the nice parents what streets to take to find Santa.

I get a little teary eyed thinking of this wonderful evening as people from all different backgrounds came together to celebrate in the joy of Christmas. It truly felt magical being apart of something special and it felt like this is what Christmas is suppose to feel like.


Old fashioned car decorated.
On one of our last streets a family was in the yard playing christmas songs on there musical instruments and I couldn't think of a happier time as the music enlightened our souls. We walked about three miles and then we decided it was time for our traditional shakes at Denny's.
Mmm, so good. Al requested Onion Rings...
I hope everyone can remember the blessings they've received this year
and in return give blessings of the heart to cheer those in one's path.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Seilers Christmas Farm

O' Christmas Tree
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!
How are thy leaves so verdant!
Not only in the summertime,
But even in winter is thy prime.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How are thy leaves so verdant!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure dost thou bring me!
For ev’ry year the Christmas tree,
Brings to us all both joy and glee.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure dost thou bring me!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are thy branches!
Not only green when summer's here
But in the coldest time of year.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are thy branches!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How sturdy God hath made thee!
Thou bidds't us all place faithfully
Our trust in God, unchangingly!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How sturdy God hath made thee!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!
Each bough doth hold its tiny light,
That makes each toy to sparkle bright.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!

This year I hadn't seen any tree lots and so I thought let's try out a tree farm...
So we drove thirty miles out of town.

Al with the wagon, nope not that one.
Well this is kind of how it went,
up and down the rows.
We went to both sides at least three times.
Al was such a trooper and patient
while I almost had a breakdown
because I didn't think we would find our Tree...
Let's just say the pines on the trees are different
from the trees we've had in the past years.
I wanted a full tree and all the trees looked a bit bare in areas.
Finally found the one...
Call me crazy for wearing a light turtleneck
but it felt wrong to go looking for a Tree in a T-shirt.
Yep, I felt like I was melting it was so HOT...
So happy to be going home with a tree.
Examing our Tree.
Sawing the Tree.
Got our Tree on the wagon.
All decorated and it's starting to feel like
Even have the stockings hung...