Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tools and More Tools...

My husband idea of getting out of the house
Going to the MAN candy store
or it's known as the tool department of SEARS

My father is a mechanic so I'm pretty familiar with tools
but it still doesn't really interest me...

My husband enjoys looking at all the different tools that he wants someday
so I do my best to enjoy it with him.

A usual conversation: ME "Do you want one of these?"
                                    AL  "Someday..." or he'll explain what it's used for!

My husband BIG project with all these tools is to get our second car running again...


I'll be his Assistant which means I usually sit and keep him company while I give him different tools that he needs.

                                At least I get these cement blocks after he's done using them
                                           I'll be using them in my garden this summer.

Once we get our more economical car running we'll be taking a few more road trips.

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